...Growing, Building, Cooking, Preserving, Crafting...

2006 began our urban homestead when I broke ground on a garden, which now includes perennial fruits, flowers, & many vegetable varieties. We dream of solar panels, keeping bees and hens. Until then we'll continue growing and preserving our own fruits and vegetables, building what we can for our home, cooking from scratch, and crafting most days.


Rain Rain Go Away

I've been thinking this week how I wish we had a cistern on our property to collect all of this rainwater to use during what will likely be a drier than average summer once again.  Fortunately my husband got our rain barrels up last Sunday when we found a few hours to start getting the yard cleaned up for spring.  But the barrels quickly filled up and are already in overflow mode.

On a positive note, some of my brassicas have germinated and I hope to start more seeds this weekend. I planted peas, arugula, and radishes on Monday just before the rain.  Don't know if they'll rot before they germinate, but we'll see.  We were hoping for that one sunny day this weekend to spread compost and shovel mulch, but I am feeling slightly pessimistic that the weather will cooperate.

On another positive note, the video from a recent student project at Milwaukee Area Technical College has finally been posted.  I was thrilled to be featured in "Home Sweet Homesteading" along with my colleague Gretchen from Milwaukee's Victory Garden Initiative.  Enjoy...and keep smiling if you can.  The rain can't last forever (I don't think.)

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